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Can hypnosis audio recordings IMPROVE your results as a therapist?

The past 18 months has seen technology change EVERYTHING.

When the pandemic first kicked in, I heard so many therapists freaking out about the idea of having to work online.

Some did, and some didn’t.

I was even speaking to a peer who does supervison recently who told me some people STILL haven’t been seeing people because they don’t want to go online.

And yet, technology has enabled many of us to continue working.

Actually, not even ‘continue’ working – to grow and to push into new areas that we haven’t done before.

Both literally and metaphorically.

I’m not only seeing clients locally nowadays, I’m seeing them nationally – even globally.

That’s amazing!

And I know that I’m not alone there – so many others are embracing technology and as a result, they’re seeing and helping more people and their business is growing.

In fact, some people have completely changed the way that they will work from now on because they have pushed through any of those old limiting beliefs they had about technology.

Maybe you can relate to that too?

Can I share with you a tip that makes a difference for me?

When people book in to see me, my confirmation email has a link it in to a free download of a hypnosis relaxation recording.

What’s the benefit there? Let me tell you.

Firstly, it gets them used to the experience of a hypnotic relaxation. They get to experience hypnosis.

Secondly, they’re getting used to doing that to the sound of my voice. They get to experience hypnosis with me before even meeting me.

Third, it adds value to the relationship. They’re thinking, ‘this guy is giving me something worthwhile even before the first session!’

Lastly, finding out if they’ve used it or not before coming in to see me can provide some really valuable information that can be used during the session itself. If they used it, what was their experience like? What worked? If they didn’t use it, why not? Are they time poor? If so, this might be good to know when setting homework? Did they have some concerns? If so, what were they so we can put those fears aside in our session pre-talk.

It saves time. It adds value. It creates experience. And it was easy to create.

Hypnosis Audio Recordings Improve Your Results

If you think it might be time to learn a skill like recording, you will be surprised by just how many uses it may provide for you.

I’ve yet to have a person go through my six week online training who hasn’t come to the other side surprised by just how much the training brings up for them. For some, it is like they go back to basics again and think about how they can use what they know about hypnosis in a new way. That’s exciting!

The next cycle starts Monday July 24th 2023

All this for an investment of only AUD$500. That includes six weeks of content, eight weeks of Zoom calls, and lifetime access to the content.

Current ‘Recording For Hypnotherapists Workshop’ Opportunities

Recording for Hypnotherapists – Recording Basics 101
FREE online course with over 1 hour of content to show you the basics right away.
Click here to access the course immediately.

Recording for Hypnotherapists Workshop Online (Self Paced)
If you’re looking for an online library of content that will take you from beginners to advanced with hypnotic audio creation, then this is the online training for you.
Included in the price is 13+ hours of video content (and growing) covering everything from recording basics 101, effects, background music and soundscapes, binaural beats and frequencies, podcasting basics, and even how to take your skills and apply them in a more practical way.
You’ll also have access to a private Facebook Group and you get one free one-one-one Zoom call to answer any questions you might have from the course.
All this for only AUD$500 – Sign up Here!

Recording for Hypnotherapists 6 Week Online Training
This is ideal for anyone who is hoping to have a little more hand-holding during the training process with 6 weeks of training content, 8 weeks of Zoom calls, and an exclusive Facebook Group.
The next one starts on Monday 15th January 2024 and costs only AUD$500 – that’s only AUD$62 a week!
Payment Plans option is available here.
For more information on the course and/or to sign up, click on this link: here.
If you don’t need any further information and you’re ready to sign up, click here.

FREE COURSE: Recording Basics 101
FREE WEBINAR: Recording Basics 101
HypnoStudio – A Chat with Christian Van Day
Emma Romano – A Children’s Relaxation Meditation