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Web Review: Hypnotic Workers

What is Hypnotic Workers

Let’s face it, there are no shortage of online training options out there for people who wish to continue developing their skills with hypnotherapy. While one-on-one practice can never be beaten, online options are often a great way to get your head around a variety of concepts and techniques that may have proven challenging first time around or that you may not have experienced before. We’ll take a moment to look at what some of these training platforms have to offer and if they’re worth the investment they’re asking for, starting off with Jason Linett’s ‘Hypnotic Workers’.

Hypnotic Worker, Jason Linett

I have to begin by saying that I am a tremendous fan of Jason Linett and for a handful of reasons. Firstly, no one can argue that Jason isn’t one of the more generous hypnotherapists out there. He produces the wonderful Work Smart Hypnosis podcast which is published for free and contains guest appearances from some of the industries biggest movers and shakers. If you look on Youtube, you’ll also find that Jason has posted an enormous amount of content over the years at both his Work Smart Hypnosis channel and his Virginia Hypnosis channel. Then are his frequent webinars that he offers; in short, what Jason has done to help grow the professionalism of the hypnotherapy industry globally should be absolutely acknowledged and supported.

The great layout of Hypnotic Workers online makes it easy to find what you want.


Hypnotic Worker Sections

On to the ‘Hypnotic Workers’ platform. The training is broken down into a handful of sections, each with their own sub-section. You have ‘Rethinking Hypnosis’, which looks at what hypnosis actually is, pre-talk, hypnotic vocabulary, compliance, session structures, office space, and even a part on what to do if the client falls asleep.

The next section, ‘Hypnotize Confidently’, looks at how to, well, hypnotise confidently. This section covers everything from suggestibility tests and hypnotic depth through to various different inductions and hypnotic phenomena. The wonderful thing about all of these sections if that if you want to really delve into any one of these inductions, you’ll not only get a demonstration of how they work but also a fairly comprehensive overview of why they work as well. I can see that Jason really prides himself on ensuring that there is a complete understanding of what you’re doing with each approach or technique and there is PLENTY of video resources to help ensure that you have a complete understanding.

With that, Jason doesn’t solely rely on the standard Progressive Muscle Relaxation induction here but also explores the Dave Elman Induction, Dr Flowers Induction, Handshake Interrupt and the Hand Drop Induction to great length. I’ve seen videos in the past of Jason working with Larry and Cheryl Elman so we can confidently know that what you’re getting from Jason when it comes to the Elman Induction is very much the real deal.

The ‘Empower Transformations’ section is really the one that is going to appeal to hypnotherapists wanting to continue their own personal development (although one should never underestimate the value in going back and going over some of those fundamental basic skills covered in the previous two sections). Within this section, Jason doesn’t hold back in covering everything from control room, straight-line transformation, metaphor work, age regression, submodalities work, fast fear release and change personal history work in great depth. In fact, there are 16 chapters within this section – more than enough to ensure you’re learning something new if that is the key reason you’ve signed up.

Hypnotic Works offers a truly comprehensive Age Regression

In fact, take ‘Age Regression’ as an example here. There isn’t just a video on what it is, an example and a wrap up… no! There is 22 individual videos here that cover every single aspect of age regression, going into full detail about how it works, why it works, overviews, affect bridge, what happens when it doesn’t work, past life regression… this is literally what you would expect from a day workshop that would cost you the same as what you would pay for one month here.

Session Demonstrations Are Included

From there, the next section is on ‘Session Demonstrations’, including sessions around anxiety relief, nail biting, pain relief, smoking cessation and weight management so that you can see all of these techniques being placed into action. Lastly, there is the ‘Workers Webinars’ section that documents the valuable month online webinars that Jason holds, covering topics such as ‘when nothing is working’, ‘solving multiple issues in one sesssion’, ‘get more from your intake’ and ‘technology in hypnosis’.

It should also be noted that some of these sections are growing; there was an additional induction placed within the ‘Hypnotize Confidently’ section recently and the ‘Workers Webinars’ will only continue to grow more and more. It is pretty obvious that this is the crown jewel in Jason Line’s offerings and that this shall continue to grow.

Completing all this is access to a very active Facebook group where people can share experiences, ask questions and have direct access to Jason’s knowledge.

Below is an example of the caliber of quality that Hypnotic Workers offers.

‘Hypnotic Workers’ is great at covering the extensive knowledge that Jason has to offer. It may not necessarily cover every aspect that people are hoping for however, I don’t think you’ll come across one site that is absolutely going to be capable of doing that. What it does do, it does incredibly well though. The website is beautifully laid out and very easy to find the information that you’re looking for. The quality of the video is fantastic. There are options to be able to download the content in video, audio and PDF form. It should be noted that some of the links to download appear to be broken however I’ve found that if you contact Jason about this, he will fix the issue immediately.

Hypnotic Workers is amazing value for money

The reality is that you could spend the same amount for a one to two-day workshop in Australia and still only get a fraction of the content that you would here. There are literally hours of content here – it would be impossible for anyone to really consume all the information here in one month unless they were to take a few weeks off and just dive into it. For that reason, I believe that ‘Hypnotic Workers’ really sets a benchmark for online hypnotherapy training that I’ve experienced to date.

Cost wise, ‘Hypnotic Workers’ is available for eight monthly installment payments of only $249 USD for LIFETIME ACCESS. For more information about Hypnotic Workers, check out the website here.

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