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Learning Hypnosis: A Common Everyday Approach After Erickson
Rob McNeilly

The Conversational Tone that Makes Learning Hypnosis Engaging and Enjoyable

Learning hypnosis from Rob McNeilly can be a life-changing experience. His wonderful, generous, personable, and conversational style not only engages readers but also enables easy learning. Luckily, the same style is present in his latest work, ‘Learning Hypnosis: A Common Everyday Approach After Erickson’.

Time To Marinade

Presenting wisdom and insights with ease, ‘Learning Hypnosis’ truly showcases Rob’s unique style. He often encourages readers to “marinade” in thoughts, which is something I find myself doing frequently. This involves revisiting a sentence or paragraph and letting the ideas sink in for deeper understanding.

Moreover, the book encourages readers to consider how these insights could benefit their practice and their clients.

Setting up a Session and Induces a Hypnotic State

In the first half of the book, he explores setting up a session with a client. In it, Rob discusses the client-driven way in which he induces hypnotic phenomena. This method had an immediate positive impact on my confidence as a hypnotist. His approach, impressively effective yet seemingly simple, permits the hypnotherapist to direct full attention to the client.

Furthermore, it alleviated the pressure of inducing a trance state and enabled a fuller presence with the client. Consequently, by shedding that misplaced responsibility, hypnosis became a more playful practice.

Exploring Everyday Hypnotic Phenomena

Another portion of the book is dedicated to exploring “hypnotic phenomena”, highlighting their everyday occurrence. Phrases like “time flying when we’re having fun” or entering a room and instantly forgetting the purpose, are perfect examples of everyday hypnotic phenomena.

Moreover, ‘Learning Hypnosis’ breaks down clinical hypnotherapy’s complex jargon, making it accessible and importantly, reusable. Utilisation is the crux of the Ericksonian approach, a fact Rob underlines elegantly and consistently.

Clinical Applications and Client Experiences

Wrapping up ‘Learning Hypnosis’, Rob pivots to more clinical applications, an addition he almost omitted. I am thrilled he decided otherwise. Just like Rosen’s masterful work on Erickson, ‘My Voice Will Go With You’, Rob’s client stories illuminate the practical application of these principles.

Indeed, these examples add color and depth, making the concepts more tangible and accessible.

‘Learning Hypnosis’ Should Be In Your Collection

Rob’s approach is impressively effective, yet it seems deceptively simple. While the devil is indeed in the details, it permits the hypnotherapist to direct full attention to the client.

The hypnotherapist understands the client holds their solution, transforming the relationship into a collaborative exploration. As Rob eloquently puts it, “When we ask someone what they like about what they like doing, it’s like a window into their soul. We have a very intimate glimpse into who this person is at the core, and often that glimpse is not only for us. Sometimes the client is so touched by that, it can make a huge difference, just to make that connection.”

You can purchase the Kindle version of ‘Learning Hypnosis’ from Amazon and a book version from Fishpond.

You can find out more about Rob here or subscribe to his podcast here.

You can also find a tonne of Rob McNeilly content on Youtube.

May the learning continue.

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