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Book Review: Healing The Shame That Binds You
John Bradshaw

Understanding the Complexities of Shame

To begin exploring ‘Healing The Shame That Binds You,’ let’s first take a look at shame.

Often described as ‘the master emotion’, shame is frequently misunderstood while often remaining the source of many mental health issues that exist out there.

Shame versus Guilt

Many people confuse shame with guilt. Guilt is a feeling of remorse for doing something wrong, while shame is a deeper, more intense feeling that you are inherently wrong or not good enough. It can manifest as the belief of ‘I am not good enough.’

In this review, we explore ‘Healing The Shame That Binds You’, a book that delves into the topic of shame and how it can be both beneficial and toxic.

A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Shame

‘Healing The Shame That Binds You’ by John Bradshaw is an engaging book that offers a comprehensive guide to understanding shame, including its origins and impact on mental health.

Bradshaw’s writing style draws on both clinical research and his extensive therapeutic experience. This allows readers to gain a clear understanding of this complex emotion in a way that is both approachable and backed by evidence.

In this way, we tend to feel that we’re approaching the topic via Bradshaw in both a very approachable, human way as well as needing that empirical evidence required to know that this isn’t just the philosophical musings of an insightful man.

The Solution to Toxic Shame

This book is essential for anyone looking to understand the nature of shame, its impact, and how it can be healthy or toxic. The book is divided into two parts: ‘the problem’ and ‘the solution.’

The second part offers a twelve-step process that can help transform toxic shame into a more healthy form. Bradshaw uses inner child work, disowned parts work, cognitive-behavioral therapy, cognitive distortion work, and even some meditation work to explore this process.

Bradshaw admits himself that he is an advocate for hypnotherapy, which is gratefully acknowledged.

A Book for Everyone

Despite coming from a religious background, Bradshaw’s empathy and understanding of LGBTQI concerns show that he is open-minded and progressive. This makes the book accessible and valuable to anyone seeking insights into shame, regardless of their background.

In fact, his empathy and understanding of LGBTQI concerns shows that he is far more open minded and progressive than what others in his position may be.

It feels that this is a book that truly anyone could embrace, gain insight from and learn how to leave some of their own demons outside where they can choose to no longer play with them.

Whether you are struggling with self-loathing behaviors, addiction, eating disorders, or victimization and criminal behavior, this book can provide valuable insights and techniques for addressing shame.

Importance of Exploring Shame

The range of mental health issues linked to shame, including self-defeating behaviors, addiction, and eating disorders, highlights the crucial need to explore and discuss this topic.

This book is a valuable resource for therapists, individuals struggling with shame, and anyone who wants to learn more about this complex emotion. As one therapist noted, the book provided valuable insight into the impact of shame and the importance of exploring it.

Overall, ‘Healing The Shame That Binds You’ is an informative and engaging guide to understanding shame and addressing its impact. It is a must-read for anyone looking to delve deeper into this complex emotion and the role it plays in mental health.

Where to purchase “Healing The Shame That Binds You’

You can purchase a hard copy version from Book Depository.

For generally less than AUS$10, Kindle has the e-book version from Amazon.

To see John Bradshaw present a talk on the topic, you can tune into Youtube.

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