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OUTthink – An LGBTQIA+ Podcast
Episode 8 – An Exploration of Transgender (Part 2)

About Sally Goldner

We welcome back Sally Goldner for the second part of our conversation in this latest OUTthink Podcast.

Sally is the Executive Director of Transgender Victoria, Treasurer of Bisexual Alliance Victoria, Co-Facilitator of TransFamily Victoria and was awarded the GLBTI Person of the Year Award as part of the annual GLOBE (Gay Lesbian Organisation of Business and Enterprise) Community Awards in 2015 for her 17 years of advocacy for transgender people.

In this episode, Sally talks about what resources exist out there for the transgender community and offers insightful advice for anyone who believe they may be transgender. We also continue an exploration of Sally’s own life, looking at the challenges that she has faced and what she has turned to in order to find self-acceptance.

Transgender on Television

NOTE: SBS television are broadcasting ‘Growing Up Trans’ at 1:20am on Monday, 20th February 2017. No doubt, this will also be available on SBS On Demand post broadcast.

Insight on SBS also ran an episode on Transgender back in 2013.

About OUTthink Podcast

OUTthink is a fortnightly podcast aimed at shining a light into topics of mental health and mental wellbeing relating to the LGBTQIA+ community. As a community, we need to be able to discuss topics that are uniquely related to the gay, lesbian, transgender and the many diverse labels in-between, that impact on our psychological well-being.

The latest OUTthink podcast can be downloaded from Podomatic, subscribe via iTunes or streamed from our Youtube Channel.

Do you have a story that you would like to share? Then why not contact Lawrence and get in touch.

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