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OUTthink Podcast – Episode 3 – Sexual Fluidity (LGBTQIA+)

Sexual Fluidity

In the latest OUTthink podcast, Lawrence talks with Lisa Torney about the topic of gender and sexual fluidity.

In this part one, we explore what is sexual fluidity as well as taking a closer look at the labels which people choose to identify who they are sexually.

Given that the list is ever-expanding, this podcast serves as a great introduction to the range of non-standard ‘gay’ and ‘straight’ labels that exist and are used to help make the many diverse groups that fall under the banner of LGBTQIA+.

About Lisa Torney

Lisa has over 20 years counselling experience as a social worker prior to pursuing her Master’s degree in Sexual Health Counselling at Sydney University.

She has counselled people over many years in a variety of settings and have extensive experience in sexual health counselling, trauma and crisis counselling, and working with individual and couples.

She is the Victorian Branch President of the Society of Australian Sexologists and committed to maintaining professional ethics and standards within the field of sexology and sexual health.

Lisa’s work with the LGBT community

Lisa has also worked extensively with the LGBTQIA+ community.

She is experienced in assisting transgender people and their partners dealing with gender dysphoria, identity difficulties, changing relationships and transitioning as well as considerable experience working with a range of issues around people newly diagnosed with STIs and people and their partners living with HIV.

You can contact Lisa on her website, Facebook page, and LinkedIn.

About Lawrence Akers and Release Hypnosis

Lawrence is a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist, having trained at the Academy of Hypnotic Science which is the only fully government accredited hypnotherapy training in Victoria. Lawrence is also a certified NLP Practitioner, trained in ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), the founder of Release Hypnosis and the co-partner in Hypnotherapy HQ.

Lawrence spent many years as a facilitator for the Victorian AIDS Council ‘Young & Gay’ program as well as spending time as the Convenor and facilitator for the VAC’s ‘Boyant’ drop in group.

More recently, Lawrence has been co-writer and facilitator of the ‘Shame Busters’ workshop with Equator Therapies’ Joe Busuttil which explores the identification and understanding of how shame can be toxic in our lives.

About OUTthink – An LGBT Podcast

The latest OUTthink podcast can be downloaded from Podomatic, subscribe via iTunes or streamed from our Youtube Channel.

Do you have a story that you would like to share? Then why not contact Lawrence here and get in touch.

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