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Recording for Hypnotherapists – Recording Basics 101

Recording Basics 101

If you’ve wished that there was an easy way for you to learn recording basics, then this FREE online webinar may be the blessing you need.

“I just wish they could sound a bit better!”

It isn’t uncommon for me to talk with fellow hypnotherapists and to hear their frustrations when it comes to learning how to record their hypnotherapy sessions.

In fact, when I was studying to be a hypnotherapist, one of the things that I really noticed was just how technophobic many of my fellow students seemed to be!

Part of the reason why I created the ‘Recording for Hypnotherapists Workshop’ was that I really wanted to show people just how much fun it can be to learn how to record and to be able to experiment with this as another means of providing a service or added value to their clients.

What value is there in learning how to record?

Search on Google or Youtube and you’ll soon discover just how popular hypnosis recordings are for marketing any hypnotherapy business. Given what we hypnotherapists do, as a marketing tool, you can’t beat offering up a recording to offer your potential new clients a taste of how you do what you do.

You may also find that you want to provide between session support to your clients or a little bonus ‘thank you’ to them for their ongoing support. Understanding how the recording process works will also help you save time with your recordings as you go!

Imagine the convenience of also having on file a version of your favourite inductions, read by you, ready to be added onto any other additional therapy you wish to record? Knowing how to get all the levels matching and removing background noise while adding a consistent soundtrack is going to make the creation of your recordings so much easier!

Alternatively, you may want to look at how you can best earn some money back for the time, energy and effort that you’ve taken in writing and fine-tuning your scripts for a variety of different possible issues.

Ultimately, as hypnotherapists, our tool is our voice and it makes sense that, at some point, you are going to want to be able to capture what you have to offer in a recording. If you’re new to the world of digital recording, this may feel a bit overwhelming even in terms of where to start, what you need and how to get the best recordings possible.

Recording Basics 101

In this rather freeform and rambling video, I take you quickly through what you need to begin recording.

In this video, you’ll see what equipment you need, what environment will be best, what software you will require, what the basics of the desktop are, how to do your first recording and how to export the recording as an MP3.

It is a high-level overview however if you are new to the world of recording, this will give you a good idea on how to start.

Of course, if it whets your appetite to come and do the ‘Recording for Hypnotherapists Workshop’, there will be new dates announced for Melbourne and interstate in the near future OR you can check out the brand new ONLINE VERSION of the Workshop.

Otherwise, enjoy and feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

Ready To Jump Into The Six Week Training?

Current ‘Recording For Hypnotherapists Workshop’ Opportunities

Recording for Hypnotherapists – Recording Basics 101
FREE online course with over 1 hour of content to show you the basics right away.
Click here to access the course immediately.

Recording for Hypnotherapists Workshop Online (Self Paced)
If you’re looking for an online library of content that will take you from beginners to advanced with hypnotic audio creation, then this is the online training for you.
Included in the price is 13+ hours of video content (and growing) covering everything from recording basics 101, effects, background music and soundscapes, binaural beats and frequencies, podcasting basics, and even how to take your skills and apply them in a more practical way.
You’ll also have access to a private Facebook Group and you get one free one-one-one Zoom call to answer any questions you might have from the course.
All this for only AUD$500 – Sign up Here!

Recording for Hypnotherapists 6 Week Online Training
This is ideal for anyone who is hoping to have a little more hand-holding during the training process with 6 weeks of training content, 8 weeks of Zoom calls, and an exclusive Facebook Group.
The next one starts on Monday 15th January 2024 and costs only AUD$500 – that’s only AUD$62 a week!
Payment Plans option is available here.
For more information on the course and/or to sign up, click on this link: here.
If you don’t need any further information and you’re ready to sign up, click here.

You may also like to read:
Why Every Hypnotherapist Should Learn How To Record
Your Own Personal Hypnosis Recording
Tips To Create Your Own Hypnosis Audio Programs
Recording Basis 101
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