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SHAME Buster Workshop

Hypnotherapy HQ presents –
“SHAME busters…”Its a shame about SHAME” self development workshop facilitated by Lawrence Akers and Joe Busuttil.

The perfect ‘Buster’ for your shame

“This workshop developed out of our life-changing experience in discovering and exploring our own bypassed shame – and our extensive reading of the shame literature. As therapists and facilitators we found that our new ability to identify and explore shame vastly expanded our capacity to help clients to heal their shame and come to peace with themselves. It became clear to us that we needed to pass on what we had discovered. We are extremely gratified by the overwhelmingly positive response the “Shame-buster” Workshop is receiving.

“Shame is something that gets between a person and their soul – their self-expression, their relationships, their sense of self. Much of the material we bring to this workshop comes from many years working with clients, and coming to understand the all-pervasive shame that permeates their day to day experience. It also comes from our own journey with coming out as gay. We have helped clients who are caught in a horrible dance of shame and blame. We have discovered ways to support people in confronting their shame and growing beyond it to a place of joy, creativity, and life force. It’s important to us to share our deepening understanding of shame – and how to heal it – through this workshop.” Lawrence & Joe

What is shame?

Shame is both a primary emotion and a freeze state, which has a profound effect on personal development and relationship success. In spite of it’s universality and it’s power, shame is rarely acknowledged in our culture and has been terribly neglected in most psychotherapy and other helping professions. While Shame is often confused with Guilt, shame is primary and exists in the body while guilt is secondary and cognitive, relating to both shame and remorse.

Shame as the master emotion

Shame is perhaps the most painful of all emotions. It is at the root of both “the inner critic” and perfectionism. It binds with and hides behind other emotions, such as anger and fear, so that it is often hard to detect. Many people go to great lengths to avoid acknowledging or even feeling shame – and this gets in the way of making progress in treatment.

Shame often fuels and promotes the negative cycle between members of a couple. Where there is blame, there is shame.

Shame can be viewed as developmental trauma

It causes much of the same physical and emotional freezing as trauma does. Not only do we lose tonus and energy, but it becomes hard to think clearly in a shame state. And shame often accompanies trauma, forming a downward spiral that is hard to break.

The difficulty we feel in dealing with shame carries over into the therapy situation. For many clients who don’t get better in therapy, shame – unacknowledged and not worked through – is the primary factor. Both therapists and clients need to be educated about shame – how it develops, what it is and how it works. And therapists need help in developing a working model of how to help their clients identify, work through and heal their shame.

Come join the SHAME Buster Workshop

This workshop provides essential, basic knowledge of how to work with shame. We will learn what shame is and how it is created, and how to help our clients recognise shame, work through it and move on.

Together in this workshop we will explore:

* Shame and its many faces
* Where shame comes from
* How shame is experienced and the internalisation process
* The impact on the development of identity
* Restoring the interpersonal bridge

When: Sunday 6th November
Where: Hypnotherapy HQ. Suite 101, 370 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne 3004.
Time: 10am until 5:30pm

Early bird tickets for this event will be available here from Monday September 5th.

Book Your FREE Half Hour Consultation With Release Hypnosis NOW!

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