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Experiencing Stress? Download our FREE Relaxation Hypnosis!

Everyday stress

Everyone knows what it feels like to experience stress.

Whether it be from work or relationships or finances or unexpected events in life, stress is a part of everyday life and, for many people, stress is on the rise as people find it harder and harder to just switch off.

If you’re feeling like that, you’re not alone.

According to Medibank research, the incidence of stress had peaked at the time of the research with the number of Australians affected rising from 3.7 million 2007-08 to over 4.9 million in 2016-17.

What is stress

Stress, in everyday terms, is a feeling that people have when they are overloaded and struggling to cope with demands. (source)

It’s important to understand that stress, while uncomfortable to experience, does often serve a beneficial purpose.

Stress helps the body to prepare when it suspects it is in danger. It’s hardwired into our psyche and allows the has the body going into the ‘fight or flight’ response and provide the motivation needed to get things done.

However, when stress becomes all consuming and you feel incapable of responding, it can be completely cripple people too.

Pick me up a pack of stress

It’s important to remember that stress is subjective – we make our own stress.

It isn’t something someone gives to you. We might often tell someone that they’re ‘making us stressed’, however, when you think about it, people have different levels of stress tolerance and so what might stress one person may be far more easier to deal with by another.

It’s not like you can ask someone to go and buy you a packet of stress, is it?

Stress is our internal response to the event around us and our thoughts internally. Therefore, it makes absolute sense that we can learn how to manage the levels of stress that we feel. We can’t completely eliminate it – nor should we given that we know it can serve a good purpose. However if we find that we can’t seem to move forward on things and get stuck on it, then learning new ways to interact with our stress is going to be beneficial.

Your FREE Hypnosis Audio to help reduce stress

This month, my free hypnosis audio is all about relaxation and learning how to let go of that stress.

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