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OUTthink – Episode 9 – Brian Madigan – Naked Gay Guru

Happy Mardi Gras everyone! What better way to celebrate Australia’s most international LGBTQIA event than by doing our first international podcast… and this episode, in video!

As I mentioned in the introduction, it seems truly appropriate that my first video podcast should be with a gentleman who runs Naked Gay Men as it was certainly one experience where I felt a little more vulnerable!

About Brian Madigan

Out guest this week is Brian Madigan who is the founder of Naked Gay Men.

Brian Madigan has been a full-time life coach, and mentor, since 2007. He’s helped clients: find new careers or enrich the ones they’re in; discover new love or renew a fading relationship; and deal with the stresses of day to day living

But, most of all what he’s done is help them sink deep into themselves and discover how to express their truth in the world. Now, he’s applying all of that to his true passion, helping men, just like you. His goal is to help you discover what your best life looks like and move into it.

Brian started his coming out process at the ripe old age of 14 when he had his first kiss…. which was with a boy. By the time he reached 17 he was about as open as he could get about his sexuality. That was 1978. It was tougher back then than it is now, but, with the help of his loving, and eventually supportive parents, a gay youth group that provided peers, and his grandmother’s unconditional acceptance, he made it.

Brian had a big career in corporate IT that lasted over 25 years. He pushed the envelope at work too. He brought his partners to company functions even when it felt risky. He was probably the first person at IBM with an eyebrow piercing, pretty ballsy considering he was in a fairly senior, customer-facing, role. One of Brian’s clients was a large, international, bank. They handled the piercing just fine.

Brian has had four major relationships in his life with plenty of dating, and sleeping around, in between. His three previous relationships were open to some degree. The first lasted about 4 years the other two 9. Brian is currently married, and he and his husband Jack have been in a committed, monogamish, relationship for 10 years. It’s the kind of relationship that works for them. But, from Brian’s perspective a loving relationship is what really matters. The shape that relationship takes is irrelevant as long as the partners share core values.

Brian has been out for a long time. He’s done a lot. He’s been through a lot. Wherever you’ve been, he can handle it. He’ll be able to relate to where you are now. He can empathise with what you’re about to go through.

Brian has spent his life exploring spirituality, personal development, stress management and about anything else that helps make life easier and better for people. Eventually he started sharing what he’d learned with other people. He’s held seminars, taught mediation, given energy healing sessions, and transformed people’s lives with his coaching.

About 8 years ago Brian left a very lucrative corporate career to focus his life, and his business, on helping people get to their core and express it out in the world. Brian loves gay and bi men, and for a very long time he’s wanted to create a community of men committed to supporting each other, shining as bright as they can, and giving their powerful gifts to the world. The Naked Gay Men programs, and movement, are coming out of that burning desire. Brian believes that together we can create a world where it’s safe to be queer and the coming out process becomes a positive journey into wholeness.

Brian and Jack have a wonderful life. Brian is also fortunate enough to be doing work he loves. But getting there has been process.

Because he’s gay he understands the challenges …. honestly ….. getting naked won’t always be easy. He knows that as you work together you’ll find out some things that you aren’t comfortable with, but, is just as certain that you’ll discover some things you never knew you had in you. It’s time to let him help you get to that fabulous life you’ve been dreaming of.

In this OUTthink, Brian talks about what it is to ‘get naked’ and the challenges and rewards of being authentic.

You can find Brian at his Naked Gay Men website, on his Facebook page, on Twitter, and on LinkedIn.

About OUTthink Podcast

OUTthink is a fortnightly podcast aimed at shining a light into topics of mental health and mental wellbeing relating to the LGBTQIA+ community. As a community, we need to be able to discuss topics that are uniquely related to the gay, lesbian, transgender and the many diverse labels in-between, that impact on our psychological well-being.

The latest OUTthink podcast can be downloaded from Podomatic, subscribe via iTunes or streamed from our Youtube Channel.

Do you have a story that you would like to share? Then why not contact Lawrence and get in touch. You can also find Lawrence and Release Hypnosis on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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