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OUTthink – Matthew Cooksey – A Discussion on ‘The Velvet Rage’

It was around the middle of last year that my supervisor recommended that I read ‘The Velvet Rage’. I had mentioned how my focus was working with the LGBT community and he had reached over to his very large, very full bookcase and pulled out a copy like it had been sitting there waiting for me to arrive. I immediately went out and purchased a copy so that I could immerse myself in a book that had become a foundation of my past year. Since then, I’ve recommended the book many times to clients who have come in to see me as well as writing my own review on my blog.

I first contacted Matthew because of ‘The Velvet Rage’. I noticed that he was running free workshops based on ‘The Velvet Rage’ and the concept fascinated me. I had been putting the plans in place to start OUTthink by that point and thought that Matthew could be a great guest to talk about this book that we were both so passionate about.

And so, it finally happened. In a decision not to cut the conversation down into two halves, I thought that it would be better to leave this conversation as one long chat, especially as Matthew is such an engaging speaker. With that in mind, I hope you enjoy this fortnight’s OUTthink.

You can purchase The Velvet Rage on Amazon, Book Depository, or if you’re in Melbourne, check out Hares & Hyenas.

About Matthew Cooksey

As a coach, Matt helps high-potential men and women, to take their lives to territory beyond what they thought was reachable. He makes ‘beyond your wildest dreams’ a reality, by working collaboratively with a select group of pioneers who are ready to find out what they are truly capable of.

His clients are made up of Entrepreneurs, Senior leaders, Social visionaries, Artists, Creatives and Thought-leaders. They are inspiring, self-aware people who are determined to grow and have a vision greater than themselves and their immediate circle.

Matt’s broader vision is to bring about a much needed, 100% increase in the well-being of gay people by the end of his life. Through his Homo-revolution movement, he offers a variety of courses, books and materials which illuminate the path to self-confidence, passion, purpose and love.

As someone who has truly lived the path of true transformation and personal development, he speaks powerfully from the heart, in the media and to live audiences, about the inflection point our society is about to cross. In the age of celebrity, fake-news and presentation, the world is crying out for authentic leaders. Matt’s mission in life is to help high-potential leaders have the courage to be radically themselves.

Matthew can be found at his website:

About OUTthink Podcast

OUTthink is a fortnightly podcast aimed at shining a light into topics of mental health and mental wellbeing relating to the LGBTQIA+ community. As a community, we need to be able to discuss topics that are uniquely related to the gay, lesbian, transgender and the many diverse labels in-between, that impact on our psychological well-being.

The latest OUTthink podcast can be downloaded from Podomatic, subscribe via iTunes or streamed from our Youtube Channel.

You can also find out more about Lawrence Akers and Release Hypnosis at the Release Hypnosis website, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Do you have a story that you would like to share? Then why not contact Lawrence and get in touch. You can also find Lawrence and Release Hypnosis on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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