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OUTthink Podcast – David Clark On Exploring Bipolar Disorder

David Clark was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder back in 2011. Up until that point, he had absolutely no idea that he had been living with bipolar although he acknowledges that there had been signs. In this OUTthink, David shares his experience of being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, the experience of ‘brain snaps’ and how he has been able to take this diagnosis and turn it into something positive.

About Our Guest, David Clark

Dave is an accredited Master Practitioner in NLP, drawing on past skills and experience as a Project Manager and Business Excellence Model assessor.

During his career he has worked in a variety of fields including social research, evaluation, training, project management, change management and Board capacity and capability development.

More recently he has embarked on a more personal voyage of discovery exploring the field of personal development and is now coaching others drawing on the skills, knowledge and experience he has gathered over the past 25 years.

For more information about David, check out his website The Lime Green Solutions. You can also find information about David’s book ‘WTF! Life Is Not Always What It Seems’ on Amazon and the ebook from Barnes & Noble.

Additional Resources on Bipolar Disorder

Black Dog Institute
Mind Health Connect
SANE Australia

About OUTthink – An LGBT Podcast

OUTthink is a fortnightly podcast aimed at shining a light into topics of mental health and mental wellbeing relating to the LGBTQIA+ community. As a community, we need to be able to discuss topics that are uniquely related to the gay, lesbian, transgender and the many diverse labels in-between, that impact on our psychological well-being.

The latest OUTthink podcast can be downloaded from Podomatic, subscribe via iTunes or streamed from our Youtube Channel.

You can also find out more about Lawrence Akers and Release Hypnosis at the Release Hypnosis website, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Do you have a story that you would like to share? Then why not contact Lawrence and get in touch. You can also find Lawrence and Release Hypnosis on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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