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POSITIVE CHANGE Campaign 2017 – Hypnosis To Help!

Every year, Release Hypnosis runs POSITIVE CHANGE; an opportunity for people to get the change that they want while helping people living with HIV to get the change that they need. This year is no exception.


The concept is simple; book in a session during December, work on the change that you wish to achieve, pay what you feel the session is worth (terms and conditions apply, refer to the link at the end of the article) and leave the session knowing that your payment is also going towards the Victorian AIDS Council to assist in the increase of awareness of HIV as well as helping those people who are living with HIV.

I’ve had very mixed results over the past two years of running the campaign and it has made me aware of the fact that December can often be a difficult time to promote making a positive change in your life. This is the time of year where there are plenty of social gatherings, end of year cheer, drinks, parties; all the things that are likely to trigger vices such as drinking too much, eating too much, or perhaps indulging in illicit substances that are impacting on the quality of your life.

With that in mind, you are welcome to make a booking(s) during December for the new year, pay this side of Christmas, and benefit knowing that your new year’s change is just around the corner in a matter of weeks.

About Release Hypnosis

Release Hypnosis is one of the few clinical hypnotherapy practices specialising in the unique needs of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and intersex communities.

I’ve worked with the LGBTQIA community over many years, originally as a facilitator for the VAC’s ‘Young & Gay’ and ‘Boyant’ programs back in the early 90s, working on ‘the scene’ for many years, and my own first-hand personal experiences.

My passion for a discussion on the LGBTQIA community and mental health led to the creation of my podcast, ‘OUTthink’.

The LGBT community has certainly had an intensely emotional year. The same-sex marriage survey has only recently provided us with a YES result however the discussion leading up to that has caused an enormous number of people within the LGBTQIA community to feel anxiety, stress, depression and question their equality. In some cases, these were emotions and feelings that the person may have thought were long dealt with and were surprised to find the strength and intensity of these unexpected emotions arising.

While this campaign is open to EVERYONE regardless of if they belong to the LGBT community or not, it is one way in which you can personally benefit while helping other people in need to live a life with dignity and comfort.

For more information or to make a booking, email Lawrence on, send a message via the Contact page or call 0403 821 807. While you’re at it, why not LIKE the Release Hypnosis Facebook page. Terms and conditions apply.

Book Your FREE Half Hour Consultation With Release Hypnosis NOW!

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