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Review: Clive Girdham – Modified Rewind Online Training

When Clive first started posting about the Modified Rewind, it immediately caught everyone’s attention. How could one approach be so effective at helping so many people overcome their fears, phobias, and PTSD? Let me tell you, Sydney-based hypnotherapist Clive Girdham can definitely walk the walk as well as talk the talk. Every claim Clive makes about his work is absolutely true.

For a few years, Clive offered a free online Mastermind series of presentations and, following that, produced a Stop Smoking online course that many consider to be one of the best out there.

Now, having worked with Clive on a few in-person workshops, I can say that Clive has the uncanny knack of being endlessly engaging. While some training may have you feeling a bit sleepy after lunch, there is something about the energy that Clive brings to his work that provokes curiosity and interest. Perhaps he is using his own Jedi mind tricks in his presentation style but when it is being used for the purposes of good, you have to be grateful for that.

Expanding the hypnotherapy toolkit

Clive’s most recent online offering is the Modified Rewind. Clive first introduced this with a series of workshops around Australia in 2019 and had a phenomenal response. For many of the people who attended the workshop, including myself, the Modified Rewind has become one of those go-to tools in the toolkit that has frequently been pulled out to work with people experiencing phobias, a fear of some future event, or signs of trauma.

Why is it called the Modified Rewind? Clive will be the first to tell you that this isn’t something he created, more something that has been evolved and refined over time with the countless clients he has seen. Based on the Fast Phobia Cure (NLP) and the Rewind (Human Givens), the Modified Rewind strips away the unnecessary and adds in newer aspects so that it becomes, as Clive himself states, “tailored for modern times”.

My own personal experience with this tool has seen me help people with a diverse range of phobias and fears covering everything from thunderstorms, public speaking, and dogs (amongst others). In each case, people who initially reported an anxiety level of around 8-9 out of 10 had it reduced down to around 2/10 (or lower) and felt that they were now experiencing their old concern in a different way. That’s a pretty powerful tool!

What does the Modified Rewind Online Course Offer?

Are you ready to learn something new and exciting? The Modified Rewind Online Course offers eight modules of content.

Module 1 covers the history and application of the process, followed by the nuts and bolts of the process. As you enter Module 2, we explore simple and complex phobias, while Module 3 dives into PTSD. In Module 4 focuses on what happens when both PTSD and phobias are combined. You’ll find over an hour of live examples in Module 5, and Module 6 contains all the paperwork and checklists needed to run the process smoothly. Module 7 applies the process to children. Finally, Module 8 emphasizes essential success points.

Who Will Benefit From This Training?

If you’re a hypnotherapist, chances are you’ve attended a course or two and have applied your learnings to your clients. However, as you start working with more clients, you might find that there are questions you wish you knew during your training that start to evolve. This is where this online training comes in handy.

Even if you’re a seasoned hypnotherapist, this course is an absolute blessing to act as a refresher on what the workshop offered last year. It’s a great opportunity to reflect on what you’re doing, and in what way things need to be tweaked and refined. The training isn’t about replicating Clive’s style perfectly; you’ll want to ensure you’re developing your own unique style. However, it is about making sure you’re not making some really obvious mistakes.

If you didn’t attend the training last year, then this is the perfect opportunity to do it in the comfort of your home and to add a truly useful approach to your toolkit. You don’t want to miss out on this chance to enhance your skills.

If you’re curious, then check out Clive Girdham’s Modified Rewind training.

Book Your FREE Half Hour Consultation With Release Hypnosis NOW!

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