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Could a Color Quiz Really Psychoanalyze You?

Could the Luscher Color Test offer some unexpected insights?

Before we go too far into this, shall we have a quick quiz or two?

Firstly, why not try the ColorQuiz Test a try.

Next, perhaps give this one a go too.

What did you think? Did it feel accurate for you?

According to the above website;

“The Lüscher-Color-Diagnostic measures a person’s psycho-physical state, his or her ability to withstand stress, to perform, and to communicate. It uncovers the cause of psychological stress, which can lead to physical symptoms. Using 5015 precise definitions, the selections from among these pre-determined test colors measure the state of 34 personality traits, some of which lie outside the realm of the conscious. Because the color selections are guided in an unconscious manner, they reveal the person as he or she really is, and not as he or she perceives him – or herself, or as he, or she would like to be perceived, which occurs when questions are asked directly or by questionnaires.

The result of the LÜSCHER COLOR-DIAGNOSTIC contains indications pertaining to personal assessment and special, professional recommendations as to how psychological stress and the resulting physical symptoms can be avoided.”

But do you buy it? Do you believe that it is possible for the way you select colours to give an indication as to your psychological state and how you’re feeling?

In my own experiences, the times that I have sat down with someone trained in Luscher Color Tests and given it a try, I’ve been very surprised by how accurately these cards have seemingly read me. However, as with many things that come to how the mind works, this shouldn’t be taken as proof that this absolutely works.

I’m immediately reminded of something that Derren Brown did in one of his ‘Trick Of The Mind’ episodes.

Is it possible that some of these tests are barnum effect or is there something more to it?

Now, inevitably, you are going to have people who are going to argue passionately for both the for and against stances. Their belief system has invested so much in their stance that it can be quite possible that they take a counter-argument quite personally. Some people may claim that others are just ‘closed minded to possibilities’ or that they’re ‘too away with the fairies and not thinking scientifically’. Regardless of who is right and who is wrong (and realistically, is either going to be ever convinced enough by the other party to jump that fence?), what is important is how their belief shapes their lives.

Perception is reality. What you believe is real will be real for you. Do ghosts exist? Is God real? Is there an after-life? All bigger questions than worrying if choosing black as your first colour is going to indicate that you have a severe depression. Yet people will invest their hopes, faith, decisions – indeed, allow themselves to be guided through life – from their belief to some of these questions.

And here is the next question; in what way does someone else’s beliefs actually matter to you? Regardless of your own belief, if someone’s belief in something allows them to enter a resourceful state and to achieve a more meaningful life, then doesn’t it offer some value? If it allows them to achieve, isn’t that a good thing?

I’m often asked about Past Life Regression experiences and ‘if it is real’. My answer is always, simply, I don’t know. However, I will also follow that up by asking if it actually matters? If the person having the experience gets what they need to let go of, have peace with, move on from, break through to or get a decision made from the experience, then that is the real value regardless of if they really regressed back into a past life or if it is something that is incredibly vivid inside their head. Moving beyond the means and seeing the wonderful outcome.

So have some fun. Choose some colours. Take a moment to step into the stance of believing something as if it is real. How does it feel? What does it do for you? What changes does it allow you to make? You can spend your time arguing if it is real or not and getting nowhere, or you could spend your time reflecting on how it feels for you and making some use of it as thousands of people before you have too. It doesn’t matter if it is real or not, it’s what you do with it that counts.

As one of my favourite teachers always says, ‘let the learning continue.’

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