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The Elmans Join The Melbourne Hypnotherapy Practice & Network Group

There is rarely a bigger name in hypnotherapy than Elman

Anyone who studies hypnosis and hypnotherapy is inevitably going to come across the name Elman at some point in their study. Along with Milton Erickson, Dave Elman is seen as being one of the most influential figures in the world of modern hypnosis and his most famous legacy is, of course, the legendary Elman Induction.

We were so honored and blessed to have both Larry and Cheryl Elman join the most recent Melbourne Hypnotherapy Practice & Network Group from their US home to teach our participants how to take this legendary induction into an online environment.

In this video, Larry takes us through a bit of history about his father, Dave Elman, and Cheryl goes into a step by step breakdown of how the induction works and offers all participants an opportunity to experience it first hand.

For those interested who missed out, you can watch the replay here.

The Melbourne Hypnotherapists Practice & Network Group

The Melbourne Hypnotherapists Practice & Network Group began in 2019 with multiple aims; the first was to help build confidence in hypnotherapists with their craft, while a secondary aim was for experienced hypnotherapists to have a platform to share their wisdom, knowledge and to help mentor.

With COVID-19, the group moved online and, with that, began having not only a national attendance but also an international one, with thanks to guest speakers who were kind enough to come along and offer their insight and wisdom.

The groups are generally being held on a Saturday or Sunday morning (alternating to help those who work on either day) from around 10:00 am, and currently the frequency is around every six weeks.

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