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Getting Mental Health On The Line – Weekending 09/07/17

Getting Mental Health On The Line is our weekly post that acts as an additional resource for both clients and fellow therapists alike.

This week, we’re presenting some of the best from the past week featuring topics as diverse as an exploration of the brain-body connection in neurological rehabilitation, a look at Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), utilising NLP to create meaning and purpose in your life, how our brain is being hacked by social media, mindfulness meditation, and a look at the psychology of drag!

If you have a video that you would like featured in our weekly roundup, then drop Lawrence a line with a link to your video.

Train the Brain: Exploring the Brain-Body Connection in Neurological Rehabilitation

By University of California Television (UCTV)

ACT What Every Counselor Should Know | Counselor Toolbox Episode 149

By AllCEUs Counseling Education

The Secret To Creating Life Defining Moments – NLP Mind Hack

By NLP Gym

In this video, Damon Cart explains how we create life defining moments even though it may seem like it’s just chance. If you want to know more about using NLP to create meaning and purpose in your life, watch this video.

Damon also explains how we create and categorize experiences and make meaning of those experiences which creates our beliefs about the world and our identity.

OUTthink – S01E17 – Polly Filla – Psychology Of Drag

By Lawrence Akers

OUTthink is a podcast that talks about issues that affect LGBTQIA+ mental health. This week, we chat with the fabulous Polly Filla regarding the psychology of drag.

Take a Breath: Short Guided Mindfulness Meditation (spoken)

By Jason Stephenson – Sleep Meditation Music

Take a few moments to be present. Let go of tired and worn out thinking…

The Problem With Perfectionism

By The School of Life

We aim for perfection without a correct idea of what perfection might demand from us. To strengthen our resolve, we need to improve our picture of what sacrifices any achievement will demand.

How Your Brain Is Getting Hacked: Facebook, Tinder, Slot Machines | Tristan Harris

By Big Think

Casinos, magicians, and the makers of social media platforms all know something about you: your mind is very vulnerable to influence. Just as the magician relies on limitations in your short term memory or visual acuity to accomplish sleight of hand, online software engineers leverage the limits of your mind to make their product addictive. From the sonorous ping of mobile phones to Facebook’s highly nuanced algorithm, product makers understand that frequent reward is what keeps you coming back. And just like slot machines, the easier those rewards are to access, the more frequently we’ll want them.

Would you like to know what hypnosis feels like? Have questions? Contact Lawrence to explore!

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