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Getting Mental Health On The Line – Weekending 21/05/17

This is a weekly post to act as an additional resource for both clients and fellow therapists alike.

This week, we’re presenting some of the best from the past week featuring topics as diverse as dealing with feeling overwhelmed, a look at unconscious communication, self-hypnosis, creating a morning routine, getting towards a happier life and lastly, a look at technology and it’s effects on mental health.

If you have a video that you would like featured in our weekly roundup, then drop Lawrence a line with a link to your video.

What To Do When You Feel Overwhelmed

By Jordan Bach

Feeling overwhelmed and anxious because you have so much to do? Here’s how to calm down – without giving up.

How To Understand Unconscious Communication For Hypnosis – Scott Jansen

By Scott Jansen Academy

During this private training with Scott Jansen, he reveals some secret tricks to learn how to understand unconscious communication for hypnosis that will allow you the Hypnotist to talk directly to the unconscious mind of your clients, without the use of language patterns or long winded techniques. This turns the student into the master hypnotist overnight.

Self-Hypnosis and Personal Alchemy!

By James Tripp – Chaos Wave

In this video I am discussing self-hypnosis and personal alchemy (inside-out self-transformation, if you prefer) and sharing my perspective on the relationship between the two. If this is an area of interest to you too, I hope you get some ‘good oil’ from this video!

How to Create a Morning Routine (and Stick to It Long-Term)

By Thomas Frank

If you want to build some structure into your day, try building a morning routine. In this video, I’ll share what’s worked for me for both creating on and turning it into a long-lasting habit.

Eliminate These Things For A Happier Life

By James Swanwick

Eliminate These Things For A Happier Life: Do you want to learn how to be happy? Today we’re using the strategy of inversion in which we see what we shouldn’t do if we want to be happy, successful, or fulfilled. In this video we will talk about all the things we should eliminate for a happier life. Watch the video below now!

The Effects of Technology on Mental Health

By Higher Ed Live

A growing body of research from a variety of disciplines indicates that the widespread use of digital technology – including computers, the internet, video games, and smart phones – has a measurable, negative impact on the development and adaptation of the human brain, resulting in significant changes in our sleep, mood, concentration, memory and learning, as well as behaviors such as risk-taking and aggression. This effect appears to be more pronounced for the younger generation of so-called “digital natives.” This episode will explore the current research on this topic and the implications for the education and psychological development of college students.

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