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OUTthink Now Has a Home On Facebook

OUTthink Is Now On Facebook

Would you believe we’ve finally given OUTthink it’s own page on Faebook? You mean it hasn’t been there all along? I know! Right!

So we’ve fixed that and you can now OUTthink has it’s very own page on Facebook along with the Release Hypnosis Facebook page.

You now have the option to like one or the other, or both!

Each podcast will also be uploaded against the Facebook page to make it easier for you to find.

Of course, if you enjoy the podcasts, why not feel free to share the Facebook page with your friends and encourage them to give it a LIKE so they can be informed when each new fortnightly podcast is published.

We’ve covered a wide range of topics already since starting in November last year and our commitment is to making the podcast even more diverse and even controversial topics.

Having said that, if you have a story that you think is worth sharing and that may help others within the LGBT community, then why not drop me a line so that we can chat further and see if we can get your story out there with OUTthink.