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Have You Ever Wanted to Create Your Own Hypnosis Podcast?

If you had a hypnosis podcast, what would yours be about?

A few years back, I created my first hypnosis podcast.

At the time, I did it because I thought it would be a great way to get my name out there a little more. Not only did it prove to do that, but it offers so many other benefits as well.

Building a network through your hypnosis podcast

The first benefit was that I was reaching out to these amazing people in my niche area and asking if they would be open to having a chat.

I was surprised by just how many were really open and willing to do that, and it began my ability to network within that space.

It was like a private masterclass!

This leads to the second benefit; I got to sit down with them and to pick their brains on my niche subject.

It was like a masterclass opportunity where I could ask whatever I wanted and to have all this wisdom, knowledge and insight right there.

My podcast was helping people globally

The third benefit was that I was creating this content to share with the world and, in that process, hopefully help even more people than I could’ve previously.

Lastly, it helped for me to find an audience to begin an conversation with and to offer them something of real value.

For a while there, I would say even second customer inquiry began with a comment about listening to my podcast, and while it took a little work to put together a podcast, I could tell that it was something worthwhile.

And you know what, you could do this easily too.

My Recording for Hypnotherapists 6 Week Online training isn’t just about hypnosis recordings.

The training is all about how to use technology to produce content that is going to sound great and engage people.

In fact, one of the modules in this training looks at podcasting basics and I show you how I put together my current podcast from start to finish.

If this is something that you’ve always wanted to do, then maybe my Recording for Hypnotherapists 6 Week Online training might be right for you.

With cycles running constantly through out the year, the next cycle may only be a handful of weeks away.

How much?

You get all of this for only AUD$500!

Payment plans are available as well for those concerned about cash flow AND there is a 14 day money back guarantee too.

You have nothing to lose except a fear of technology.

Ready To Jump Into The Six Week Training?

Current ‘Recording For Hypnotherapists Workshop’ Opportunities

Recording for Hypnotherapists – Recording Basics 101
FREE online course with over 1 hour of content to show you the basics right away.
Click here to access the course immediately.

Recording for Hypnotherapists Workshop Online (Self Paced)
If you’re looking for an online library of content that will take you from beginners to advanced with hypnotic audio creation, then this is the online training for you.
Included in the price is 13+ hours of video content (and growing) covering everything from recording basics 101, effects, background music and soundscapes, binaural beats and frequencies, podcasting basics, and even how to take your skills and apply them in a more practical way.
You’ll also have access to a private Facebook Group and you get one free one-one-one Zoom call to answer any questions you might have from the course.
All this for only AUD$500 – Sign up Here!

Recording for Hypnotherapists 6 Week Online Training
This is ideal for anyone who is hoping to have a little more hand-holding during the training process with 6 weeks of training content, 8 weeks of Zoom calls, and an exclusive Facebook Group.
The next one starts on Monday 15th January 2024 and costs only AUD$500 – that’s only AUD$62 a week!
Payment Plans option is available here.
For more information on the course and/or to sign up, click on this link: here.
If you don’t need any further information and you’re ready to sign up, click here.

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