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Getting Mental Health On The Line – Weekending 27/08/17

Getting Mental Health On The Line is our weekly post that acts as an additional resource for both clients and fellow therapists alike.

This week, we’re presenting some of the best from the past week featuring topics as diverse as counselling skills, Jungian Archetypes philosophy, Reality Therapy, creating morning habits, a look at the psychological impact of the marriage equality postal survey and, lastly, even a bit of Ericksonian work to deal with grief.

Counselling Practical Basics

By Marc de Bruin

Your Amazing Brain – BB4 Thinking differently

By Your Amazing Brain 3.0

Information and exploration about the brain and how to use that information in daily life and psychotherapeutic practice. See the whole series and much more at

10 Morning Routine Habits of Successful People

By Practical Psychology

Jungian Archetypes and Personality

By AllCEUs Counseling Education

Ericksonian Hypnotic Storytelling: The Farmer: Bedtime Story Which Helps The Grieving Process

By Dan Jones Hypnosis

This Ericksonian hypnotic bedtime story is about a farmer and his experiences of farming and of having a family. Not only does this bedtime story help you to sleep, but if you need it to with regular use it lays down the patterns to help you with the grieving process. If you don’t need help with the grieving process then this will work fine just as a bedtime story to help you fall asleep.

Reality Therapy – William Glasser

By CoreyHuman

Reality Therapy a therapeutic approach that focuses on problem-solving and making better choices in order to achieve specific goals. it is about connection and restoring connection with people.

OUTthink – S01E18 – Joe Busuttil – Marriage Equality

By OUTthink / Lawrence Akers

OUTthink is a podcast that looks to explore the LGBT community and mental health issues. Hosted by Clinical Hypnotherapist Lawrence Akers, each episode has a different guest exploring a different topic of interest. This fortnight, we look at the impact of the postal survey in regards to Marriage Equality and how the discussion can have an impact on the mental health of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Would you like to know what hypnosis feels like? Have questions? Contact Lawrence to explore!

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